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Men's Health Tip No. 13: Give me five

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
  Rio Grande Cancer Foundation   1 min read 3 months ago

Men's Health Tip No. 13: Give me five

Five-minute workouts to lose weight: Even after a workout of only 5 minutes, fat-burning benefits continue for the rest of the day according to trainers. But before you set your phone timer to five minutes and start working out, make sure that you are healthy enough for vigorous activity.

Check with your doctor if you haven't exercised in a while if you have any injuries or concerns about your health. Next, make sure that you are properly equipped for your fitness level.
A beginner fat-burning mini-workout doesn't require any special equipment. Most of the activities can be performed using your own body weight as resistance. Here are two five-minute workout routines: (You Tube offers examples of each of these if you are not familiar with them)
• Do each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 15 seconds between each activity.
Jumping jacks
Mountain climbers
Running in place
•This 5-minute weight loss workout is based on repetitions, not on time. Again, modify, if necessary, when you're first starting out. And remember to add resistance (dumbbells, resistance bands, or a medicine ball) as your fitness level improves. Perform 12 repetitions of each exercise. Repeat the sequence as many times as possible in 5 minutes.
Bicycle crunches
Jump lunges
Jump squats

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