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Men's Health Tip No. 16: Feel the power of vitamins

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
  Rio Grande Cacner Foundation   2 min read 3 months ago

Men's Health Tip No. 16: Feel the power of vitamins

Vitamins found in foods are best absorbed by our bodies but taking supplements can help mother nature along - especially if you are a man over 40.

Men in their 40s are faced with new changes to their bodies. Fortunately, there are easy ways you can support your health. Supplements can help support you as you age by making up for some of the nutritional shortfalls you may start to experience. Don’t forget to always consult a doctor before changing your supplement routine. If your doctor gives you the okay, try these:
1. Men’s Multivitamins
A classic starting point. Multivitamins can be easily incorporated into a supplements routine: just one capsule per day can help support heart health, immune health, muscle & bone, energy & stress levels.
2. Vitamin B12
B12 is an essential, water-soluble nutrient helps us to make red blood cells and must be acquired from the diet. According to an article published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, our ability to absorb B12 becomes less efficient with age.
The National Institute of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements reports that 6% of adults younger than 60 in the United States and United Kingdom are deficient in Vitamin B12. This rate jumps to 20% in people over 60 years of age.
B12 can be found in animal-based foods like fish, eggs, and poultry. Men who are less able to absorb the vitamin, or who follow a plant-based diet may need to supplement.
3. Zinc
Zinc is a trace mineral that’s best known for its role in supporting immune health. Like Vitamin B12, older adults are at higher risk of zinc deficiency. In the case of zinc as well, men who don’t get enough zinc from their diet due to age-related malabsorption may want to consider supplements.

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